Where is Ring Savvy located?
Our main offices and call center are located at 120 Lake Avenue S, Suite 11, Nesconset, New York, 11767.
How long has Ring Savvy been in business?
Ring Savvy has been answering phone calls on behalf of businesses since 2013.
Is Ring Savvy a franchise?
No, we’re an individually owned company, run out of a single location in Nesconset, New York.
Does Ring Savvy answer calls 24/7?
Yes. Our call center remains active in answering phone calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year (366 during leap years).
How often does Ring Savvy’s call center experience technical issues?
In the rare event that technical issues do arise, we’re typically able to resolve them in a matter of minutes. Our service also never experiences outages. Ring Savvy has multiple backup generators and failsafes in place to keep us up and running during storms.
Why would I use a live answering service when I have voicemail?
Ring Savvy provides businesses with 24/7/365 live phone answering coverage, and ensures that their customers never have to deal with the frustration of being sent to voicemail during their time of need. We help companies in all industries turn more of their new leads into paying customers, by providing their callers a live, caring and knowledgeable voice.
Why would I use a live answering service when I have staff?
Ring Savvy provides support on the 3rd and 4th ring when your office fails to answer a call. This is great insurance for any business, as your in-office staff may not always be able to pick up a call during the day, and will very rarely be available to answer calls during after hours, weekends, and holidays. Ring Savvy can help you on a rollover basis by answering only the calls that you miss, giving you the ability to capture new business at a fraction of the cost!